They have some nifty sizes and shapes for canvases and canvas panels. Got me some brushes and drafting tape. Can never have enough drafting tape!
Oh happy day! One word. Ink. Nuff said!

The Gel Mediums I got were textured ones except for one. Black Lava is so cool! It has ground black flakes and some look like silver glitter when it's wet.
I also got the Fine Natural Sand Gel. When it dries, it's a glossy sand texture. You can color the sand gel. Gotta try that!
White Opaque Flakes just sounded so cool that I had to get some just to play. There's opaques flakes in this bad boy and you can add paint to color them. Can't wait to play with these!

I have started the first in a series of projects using all of these goodies! I'm waiting for things to dry and one final order to be delivered. You hear that USPS? Start moving my package like you're Kevin Harvick moving Jimmie Johnson out of the way at Fontana!
Chances are some time over the weekend, this project will be revealed. If it's not completed, there will be some teasers pics posted! I'm sooo excited about this series of projects!
Until next time *
What can you do with a canvas?
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